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;Senior Pusher
;Senior Pusher
: A Senior Pusher has been around in Push Industries for a while and they know almost everything there is to know about pushing freight around the galaxy. They have chosen to take on more responsibility in the corporation by mentoring less experienced Pushers and handling the administration side of courier contracts issued to the corporation.
: A Senior Pusher has been around in Push Industries for a while and they know almost everything there is to know about pushing freight around the galaxy. They have chosen to take on more responsibility in the corporation by mentoring less experienced Pushers and handling the administration side of courier contracts issued to the corporation.
== Role Titles ==
;Push Industries & The Push Academy
: This person has the extra responsibility of answering questions about joining and applying to Push Industries as well as conducting interviews of applicants. They are also responsible for setting up new recruits in the corporation.
;Jump Freight Director
: This person focuses on keeping Lowsec/Nullsec prices competitive, JF title management, establishing the Push JF network, and overseeing Lowsec/Nullsec contracts. Their authority over Lowsec/Nullsec contracts will exceed that of any other director except the CEO. They will also establish Lowsec/Nullsec courier policies in the corp.
;Human Resources Director
: This person handles the titles of new recruits and sets recruitment policies. This person also has the authority of being able to arbitrarily (at their discretion) remove people from the corporation who are causing problems or are simply not hauling anymore. They are under the supervision of the CEO. This person will appoint and manage other recruiters. They will also clarify and develop recruitment policies.
;Human Resources Assistant Director
: This person will act as a second to the Human Resources Director handling titles of new recruits and helping set recruitment policies. This person will also have the authority of being able to arbitrarily (at their discretion) remove people from the corporation who are causing problems or are simply not hauling anymore. They are under the supervision of the Human Resources Director. This person will help the Human Resources Director appoint and manage other recruiters. They will also clarify and develop recruitment policies.
;Chief Finance Officer
: This person is the individual within Push who manages insurance claims and any other request for financial resources from Push Industries.
;Public Relations Director / Push Diplomat
: This person acts as a diplomat, a communications officer, the head of customer service and the head of advertising. As such they develop policies around how Push provides customer service, and they are responsible for maintaining a Push advertising campaign both in-game and on the forums as well as maintaining a recruitment thread on the forums.
;Web Tools Director
: This person coordinates all Push Web projects and keeps the website updated with the latest information. They will also coordinate access to the website for other people working on Web tools.