Dues are corp fees owed by each member on a weekly basis. The dues are based off of your previous week's contract rewards. Each member is expected to pay their weekly dues and all members' dues are the same rate. Dues are used to grow PushX and bring in more business as well as rewards and benefits for PushX members. Dues are NOT used as an insurance system.
By hauling priority contracts and hauling daily you are able to earn an extra bonus that is deducted from your dues at the end of the week.
Each contract hauled counts towards your daily bonus max of 5,000,000 ISK. Contracts in the top 10 of the queue earn a larger bonus. To get a full bonus, you must haul 5 days in a week.
Bonuses are automatically tracked and added as a deduction to your dues at the end of each week.
An example of the formula is as follows:
MaxDaily = 5,000,000
ContractMax = 1,000,000
DailyBonusSum = SUM HaulersContracts(
FOR EACH Contract
IF ContractNumber = 1 THEN Bonus = ContractMax
IF ContractNumber = 2 THEN Bonus = ContractMax * .90
IF ContractNumber = 3 THEN Bonus = ContractMax * .85
IF ContractNumber = 4 THEN Bonus = ContractMax * .80
IF ContractNumber = 5 THEN Bonus = ContractMax * .75
IF ContractNumber = 6 THEN Bonus = ContractMax * .70
IF ContractNumber = 7 THEN Bonus = ContractMax * .65
IF ContractNumber = 8 THEN Bonus = ContractMax * .60
IF ContractNumber = 9 THEN Bonus = ContractMax * .55
IF ContractNumber = 10 THEN Bonus = ContractMax * .50
ELSE Bonus = ContractMax *.25
DailyBonusSum = MIN(MaxDaily OR DailyBonusSum)
WeeklyBonusSum = DailyBonusSum + WeeklyBonusSum
TotalBonus = WeeklyBonusSum * (MAX(1 OR (DaysHauled *.2)))
Note: The Hauling Bonus display in the queue can take up to an hour to update due to caching.