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Include the return contract and an explanation of the procedure in the mail to the customer
Include the return contract and an explanation of the procedure in the mail to the customer.

Here is a mail template that can be used for these type of contracts. Replace the appropriate information where necessary.
    Hello [customer]
        There was an issue with your contract Badivefi >> Jita (128317 m³) (Courier). The collateral on the contract was set at 2b but the actual value of the items is closer to 8.7b. Here is a valuation
    of the contract with EvePraisal <url=></url>. This value is dangerous to move in high sec which is why we cap the collateral for high sec
    2b. If you split your contract into lower values it will not cost you anymore than grouping them together. 
    We will not be able to move the contract as is. To solve this problem, I will Item Exchange the contract back to you for the price of the collateral which was 2b. I have failed the courier contract so
    you have the 2b back from the collateral in your wallet already. Here is the contract. The contract has been set for 3 days, the same amount as set on the time to complete.  [Multiple Items] (Item
    For us to move it the contract, please use <url=></url> SELL value to get a proper valutation of your items and use our calculator,
    <url=></url>, to get the prices for you. For high sec, 2b is the most we can take at a time in a freighter. If you must use higher
    collateral than that, the max is 30b and the size must fit into a JF which is 360,000. 
    If you need further help setting up the contract correctly I would be happy to assist you. It is important to be sure that the collateral and the actual value of the contents match.
    If you have any questions please mail me. 
        [pusher name]
=== Over Collateral ===
=== Over Collateral ===