Contract Management

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Revision as of 00:49, 29 January 2013 by Misrin Epsilon (talk | contribs)
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This article covers the procedures for managing contracts in The Queue.

Correct Contracts

Correct contracts have the following:

High Sec / Low Sec (Small) Contracts

  • Type: Courier
  • Availablity: Private - Push Industries (or MicroPush)
  • Time to accept: 3 days (1 day if a rush)
  • Time to complete in: 3 days (1 day if a rush)
  • Volume: 900,000 m3 or less
  • Collateral: what ever the client thinks the value of their freight is worth up to 5 billion ISK (if the collateral is high the customer needs to check in PushX that there is a Pusher who accept the contract)
  • Reward: a combination of warps + collateral modifier (clients should use the Quoter) + optional rush modifier

High Sec Contracts

  • Type: Courier
  • Availablity: Private - Push Industries (or MicroPush)
  • Time to accept: 3 days (1 day if a rush)
  • Time to complete in: 3 days (1 day if a rush)
  • Volume: 900,000 m3 or less
  • Collateral: what ever the client thinks the value of their freight is worth up to 5 billion ISK (if the collateral is high the customer needs to check in PushX that there is a Pusher who accept the contract)
  • Reward: a combination of warps + collateral modifier (clients should use the Quoter)

Spotting Erroneous Contracts

Sometimes Push Industries receives contracts with the wrong durations and/or reward. The most common mistake when customers incorrectly calculate the proper reward for the volume and collateral they setup the contract with. The Queue will show the reward as "Error" with a red background for contracts that have the incorrect reward.

Rejecting Erroneous Contracts

  1. Always run a quote before rejecting a contract.
  2. Reject the contract.
  3. Send the customer an evemail stating why their contract was rejected along with the quote of what their contract should look like.