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(This article is not finished)

Push Industries has a 3 stage application process.


Stage 1: Application

Applicants will submit an application to Push Industries with the URL of their non-expiring EVE Board profile for which ever character they intend to accept contracts with. They can either apply with a contracting alt or with their hauler. Applicants should also include the EVE times they are available for interviews.

  • Applying with their hauler has the benefit that the applicant will not have any problems with hidden containers. However, if Push Industries gets war dec'd their hauler will not be able to do any contracts.
  • Applying with a contracting alt and keeping the hauler out of Push Industries has the advantage that war dec'd will not affect the applicant's ability to complete contacts. However, the applicant will have problems with containers if their contractor and the hauler are on the same account. Thus, this option works best if the contractor and the hauler are on different accounts.

Stage 2: Interview (approx. 30 minutes)

The applicant will have roughly a week to have an interview with a designated Recruiter. It is highly recommended that the applicant read through this wiki before the internview. The interview consists of 2 parts:

Part 1

This is a time for the Recruiter to ask general questions about why the applicant wants to join Push Industries, how active they plan to be, what their current skills are, what hauling ships they own, and their background. Some basic criteria each applicant has to meet are:

  • must own a freighter (or be very close to obtaining one)
  • URL of the non-expiring EVE Board profile for the applicant's character
  • a clean contractor alt with no combat skills (not required in the case where the contractor and the hauler are the same character)
  • a minimum of 1,000,000,000 ISK for collateral

The Recruiter will also use this time to make the applicant aware of the different challenges the applicant may face depending on their contractor/hauler setup.

Part 2

In the second half of the interview the Recruiter will ask a series of situational questions designed gauge the applicant's personality and to see how well the applicant is suited to become a Pusher. These questions will cover:

  • customer service
  • responding to hidden containers in contracts
  • queue priority
  • security

Recruiters will always change their questions to discover how the applicant really thinks and whether they have the right personality to be a Pusher.

Stage 3: Setup

Assuming the applicant answers all the questions correctly and the Recruiter is satisfied the Recruiter will ask the applicant to read the [Conduct|Conduct] article and to agree to abide by it. If the applicant agrees the Recruiter is then authorized to accept the applicant's application.

(This article is not finished)