Split Contracts & Multiple Pick Ups

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Revision as of 07:06, 7 June 2018 by Cassie Helio (talk | contribs)
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Split Contracts: Customers are allowed to break a single contract up into several sub-contracts (all going from the same pick up station to the same destination station) if the number of item stacks in the contract exceeds EVE Online's item stack limit for contracts.

The total combined volume of these sub-contracts cannot total more than the max volume or collateral for the service type the customer requires.

These sub-contracts should be identified by 1/3, 2/3, 3/3, etc. in the Info by Issuer field. Since the contract is split into several sub-contracts the reward and collateral will be spread across all the sub-contracts. These sub-contracts are meant and designed to be delivered together, not separately, so DO NOT take 1/2 of a contract while leaving 2/2 behind for another Pusher to complete.
For Customers: How to setup a split contract

  • Make 2 contracts (or more if needed)
  • Split the rewards evenly
  • Put appropriate collateral on each contract
  • In the description of the contract put "Split 1/2" and "Split 2/2".
    • If it is a rush contract also add "Rush" to the description
    • If it is a Jump Freight contract also add "JF" to the description

We'll get it moved for you all at once.

Multiple Pick Ups Customers are allowed to enter Multiple Pickup contracts when the contracts are on the same route.

  • For HS
    • How the reward is computed is from the Quoter tool to get the base price of the two farthest systems with the correct Volume for all jobs combined as well as the correct Collateral for all jobs combined.
    • Add the appropriate fee for each pickup which is 1 additional warp. The fee for 1 additional warp per pickup is based on the total Volume off all contracts combined and is listed on the Rates page. Note: Each additional pickup counts as one additional warp in the specific system. A note should be placed in each contract description about the multipickup.
  • For JF
    • For pickups on the same route, add 1 additional cyno fee.
    • For pickups in the same system, add 2 additional cyno fees.

Note: Additional pickups or multi pickups may not be available for all contracts and PushX may choose an appropriate route based on conditions.